Purpose and Goals


 It is a Public/Private/Academic consortium established with the aim of improving the environment for collecting, distribution and efficient use of social infrastructural information including geospatial data.

<Our Contribution>

 In the geospatial information industry in Japan, several issues have emerged as the volume of information distribution has increased. (1) Information providers in each industry have their own individual systems of information distribution and use, and they must bear the technology development and dissemination costs themselves. (2) Geospatial information users must search and collect from multiple information sources, which requires research skills and technical knowledge of the geospatial information they need. (3) Because of proprietary product specifications (de facto standards), it is difficult to use different data in a composite manner, so there is a growing need for standardization of product specifications (de jure standards).
 In order to reduce the burden on both geospatial information providers and users and to utilize geospatial information in society, it is essential to build a platform utilizing information and communication technology that can be shared among providers and to furnish an environment that makes it easier for users (specialized businesses, private firms, research institutions, etc.) with different literacies to participate.
 With these issues in mind, we established the ‘Association for Promotion of Infrastructure Geospatial Information Distribution (AIGID)' in September 2011. It is a Public/Private/Academic consortium established with the aim of improving the social infrastructural information environment for the collection, distribution, and efficient use of geospatial data. In order to broaden the scale of its activities, AIGID was incorporated in April 2014 and has developed many social cooperation projects to date.


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